For introverts who crave meaningful interaction, empty chitchat is pretty much the worst. Of course introverts hide in their apartment like a serial killer’s on the loose when they hear that neighbor in the hall — you know, the one who talks so much you can’t be sure they’re getting enough oxygen. “We have plans tonight, remember?”. Mindhunter might just be the defining INFJ show on Netflix. The story of the early profiling of serial killers takes viewers deep into the minds of its lead investigative characters. What motivates a killer? What makes them tick? The INFJ personality, a unique combination of the psychological traits of introversion, intuition, feeling and judgment, represents — according to Carl Jung — only 1% of the population. This personality is idealistic, serene, firm in its values, highly sensitive, but sure of itself and always oriented towards improving the lives of others.
If you’ve ever caught yourself wondering, “what type of animal am I?” then we have at least one thing in common. I, too, have often wondered what kind of animal I would be if I weren’t a human. Personally, I’ve always kind of dreamed that my animal type would be some gorgeous, strong, ridiculously fast-running jungle cat. I’d also be OK with being told my personality matched up with one of those long-necked dinosaurs that only ate plants but was way too big to be taken down by velociraptors. According to the Myers Briggs test, however, I’m actually neither of those creatures. (But it’s cool, because I’m wolf instead!)
The Myers Briggs test (which I wasn’t too familiar with until I started researching for this article) is all about representing your personality by measuring how you socialize, how you make decisions, how you take in your surroundings, and what your preferred lifestyle happens to be. The first letter of the Myers Briggs test represents whether you’re mostly introverted or extroverted. (I for introverted or E for extroverted.) The second letter represents whether you take in new information based on your senses alone, or if you add meaning to new info based on your own intuition. (S for sensing or I for intuition.) The third letter reveals whether you make the bulk of your decisions based on logic or emotion. (T for thinking of F for feeling.) And the last letter is all about whether you like your life to be structured or wide open. (J for judging or P for perceiving.)
Now that we’ve gone over the basics of how Myers-Briggs works, take the test, or at least take a second to figure out which letters sound the most like you, and then read on to figure out what type of animal you are. Have fun!
1. ESTP: Cheetah

Not unlike the fastest land animal in the entire world, (75 mph, yo!) ESTP personality types are super active and spontaneous. They're incredibly aware of what's going on around them — both physically and emotionally — and are able to respond quickly to their surroundings. Perhaps because of this, ESTPs can be manipulative, but they can also be some of the most caring and generous friends you'll ever find. Plus, they're charismatic as all hell. An ESTP's top priority is to have a good time, and they're always up for new adventures.
2. ISTP: House Cat
Like most kitties, ISTP personality types are usuallysuper introverted, and they give very few f*cks about what other people think of them. Sims 3 island paradise free download mac. This doesn't mean they aren't curious about other people, though; it just means they need plenty of alone time with their thoughts. And, you know, to explore cardboard boxes and knock glasses off of tables.
3. ESTJ: Lion
ESTJs are assertive, organized, natural-born leaders who don't typically let emotions cloud their judgement. On top of that, they're loyal AF, and put providing for their loved one's above everything else. If you attempt to silence an ESTJ, you're definitely going to hear them roar.
4. ISTJ: Beaver
Although they can sometimes be a tad oblivious to the emotional needs of the people around them, ISTJ personality types can still make excellent friends. (And dams, apparently.) ISTJs apply the same amount of dedication, hard work, and earnestness to their relationships as they do to their jobs — so even if they're unintentionally insensitive toward you, they're going to try really hard to fix it. Plus, you won't ever have to bail them out of jail, because they're infamously sensible people, and their sh*t is pretty much always together.
5. ESFP: Seal
You know that girl you went to college with who is now a freelance dancer/stand-up comic/folk-singer-on-nights-and-weekends? Yeah, she's most certainly an ESFP. Just like the seals at your local zoo, ESFP personality types are natural-born performers who have no problem living in the moment. ESFPs are the most extroverted extroverts — they truly just want their lives to be as fun as possible.
6. ISFP: Sloth
Possibly the most stereotypically stoner-y of personality types, the ISFP is mega chill. This doesn't mean ISFPs don't care deeply about who's going to win the 2016 election, it just means that they don't feel compelled to fight about which candidate they support or why they support them. ISFP's are lovely friends to have, too, because they're very considerate, peaceful, and easy to be around. ISFP personality types don't rush the present or dwell on the future, preferring to take life one moment at a time.
7. ESFJ: Horse
Infj Serial Killers
If you're empathy game is next-level, you respect authority, (most of the time, anyway) and you want everyone around you to be happy and healthy, then your animal type is probably a horse. Due to their dependable nature, their love of harmony, and their tendency to learn from their past mistakes, horses are said to possess the ESFJ personality type. If all these traits sound familiar to you, then you're basically a horse personified — and that's a good thing.
8. ISFJ: Deer
Just like the cutest animal you've ever almost hit with your car, (by accident, of course) ISFJ personality types are super sweet and introverted. ISFJs care deeply about the comfort and overall well-being of the people around them, and they tend to develop strong emotional connections to their past experiences — both good and bad. So if you're a total sweetheart who's still dealing with some residual trust issues from a relationship that ended years ago, then you might be a deer, and that's more than OK.
9. ENTJ: Bear
Infj Serial Killer
Because ENTJ personality types are very socially active but have absolutely no fear of confrontation, their animal type is pretty much always going to be a bear. ENTJs are strong people who like to be in control of their surroundings, and they're almost as good at pushing others to succeed as they are at achieving their own goals. Basically, ENTJs are kind of like the Paris Geller's of the world — and we all end up loving them for it. Isao tomita top songs.
10. INTP: Owl
Minimalist and introverted, INTPs and owls are basically exactly the same in every way when it comes to personality traits. INTPs need an enormous amount of alone time to lead their inner lives, and owls are mostly solitary hunters. INTPs are also highly intelligent, and they're almost always in their own head — even when they're with friends. Like owls, INTPs are independent as all hell, and not prone to materialism. As long as they have plenty of solitude, a cozy nest to relax in, and everything they need to survive, INTPs are typically content.
11. ENFP: Dolphin
If being alone is really not your jam, you love making people laugh, you enjoy being creative, and you get bored super easily, then you're basically a dolphin. Just like dolphins, ENFPs are the bubbliest folks you'll ever meet. To an ENFP, spending a Sunday exploring new places, meeting new people, and seeking out new opportunities is pretty much the best thing ever.
12. INFP: Slow Loris

The INFP personality type is known for having a quirky sense of humor, an unyielding internal compass, and an active imagination. On top of that, INFPs are incredibly loyal and caring toward everyone they let into their lives, making them essentially a Slow Loris in human form. And if all these traits sound really familiar to you, then you might be one, too.
13. ENFJ: Dog
If you're anything like me, then you're not an ENFJ, but you probably wish you were. Not unlike dogs, ENFJs are pretty much everyone's best friend. ENFJs are loyal, (sometimes to a fault), extremely affectionate, super social, and incredibly empathetic. ENFJs care more about the happiness of their people than they care about themselves. Like dogs, ENFJs are always thinking about how their actions might affect the people around them. So if you're an ENFJ, then good for you, you awesome human.
14. INFJ: Wolf
According to Myers Briggs, I'm a wolf. I'm not unhappy about this, of course, because wolves are clearly total badasses. That said, I don't love that being an INFJ means I have a difficult time opening up to people, (sometimes even after I've known them for 20 years, just ask my boyfriend) but it does please me that INFJ's are also known for being powerful, independent yet affectionate, and remarkably insightful. I also can't deny that INFJ's tend to be monogamous creatures, because I really enjoy the whole one-man-at-a-time thing. If you feel me on most of this, then you're probably an INFJ, too. If that's in fact the case, then I think we should go ahead start our very own pack. Because wolves.
15. INTJ: Octopus
If you're super smart and you know it, and you've also been called 'mysterious' with some frequency, then your animal type is likely an octopus. INTJs have been criticized for being too aware of their own intelligence, and their disinterest in the details of others' lives adds to that perception. But to an INTJ, this behavior isn't meant to be taken personally. It's just one of many side effects of being a total boss who has zero time for drama, and very little time for other people.
16. ENTP: Fox
You remember that person you dated back in college who was so charming and smart that you dated them for way too long? Yeah, they were probably an ENTP. Like every fox in every animated film you've ever seen, ENTP personality types often use their wits and charm to talk their way out of things. On the upside, though, both foxes and certain ENTPs are stunning to look at. They also possess the energy, charisma, and intelligence to become some of the world's most amazingly dynamic leaders.
Images: Simone Dalmeri/Unsplash; Giphy/(16)
Serial killers make for iconic characters in film and TV. From Hannibal Lecter to Dexter to Villanelle, we analyze their MBTI.
Throughout cinematic history, and history in general for that matter, society has been utterly entranced by the inner workings of the criminally disturbed. While there are certainly healthier versions of the this sort of people — Batman, for example — in this article we’ll be exploring the inner workings of some of entertainment’s most iconic and most repugnant killers and creeps. Mcafee for mac os. Generally, the Myers-Briggs Personality Index is not something that would be applied to the sociopaths and psychopaths that will be found below. But hey, they’re fictional and it’s fun. So let’s jump right in with one of the most unsettling killers in cinematic history.
10 Hannibal Lecter: The Architect – INTJ
Hannibal Lecter has been terrifying audiences and federal agents alike for decades now, in both film and TV. While his affinity for human flesh is truly horrifying, it’s his quick, logical and analytic mind that gives him his position as one of cinema’s most terrifying killers. Hannibal is rarely in a position he hadn’t planned on being in. Roger Ebert put it best when he said, “He is a dispassionate, brilliant machine, superb at logic, deficient in emotions.” Hannibal is never held down by the weight of his conscience; he simply knows that he enjoys what he is doing, and he’ll continue to do it so long as he’s able.
9 Joe Goldberg: The Mediator – INFP
With Season 2 officially confirmed, Netflix’s You will continue the story of killer Joe Goldberg. Aside from all the murder, Joe actually has a lot in common with the last entry (as well as the next one). Kontakt 5.5 crack. Joe has a rich interior world, and while that world is screwier than an M.C. Escher piece, his inner monologue and his tendency to trail off in his head can sometimes land him in hot water. Unlike Hannibal and the next entry, Joe is led by his passion, his emotion, his expectations of reality rather than reality itself. He is hot-tempered and quick to make life-altering — or rather, life-ending decisions. Joe would do well to learn from the next killer, as this guy’s been doing it down in Miami for a very long time.

8 Dexter Morgan: The Mastermind – INTJ
Much like the last two entries, Dexter is the type of killer who is likely found in his own head more often than not. However, Dexter is also incredibly cautious and very rarely steps outside of his planning, which he has done endlessly. Dexter is the silent killer. The type of killer who has the patience and forethought to set a kill-room, stalk his victims for weeks on end if necessary. Then again, when hunting other predators, one must be very careful.

7 Dr. Martin Whitly: The Commander – ENTJ
Dr. Whitly is definitely the newest killer to hit the scene in the TV series Prodigal Son, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t got the experience to back up his title of “The Surgeon.” Much like Hannibal and Dexter, Dr. Whitly spends a lot of time preparing, growing and learning about his kill, and his preferred method. While there hasn’t been much information about his kills or victims revealed just yet, what we do know is that Dr. Whitly has a large personality. He is almost exclusively seen with a smile on his face when his family visits. Like the surgeon’s mask he once wore in operating rooms, this smile hides his dark and violent impulses.
6 John Doe: The Advocate – INFJ
By the time that audiences are introduced to Joe Doe in Se7en, he’s already pretty deep into both his psychosis and his master plan. Which is to say that there are no pretenses when it comes to John. Like many killers mentioned in this article, John is incredibly introverted; his bubble is so small that it doesn’t leave his skull. He’s decided on a set of values and principles that he believes are correct, and when reality doesn’t fit into his ideals, he imposes them onto it (and others).
5 Patrick Bateman: The CEO – ENTJ
While American Psycho‘s Patrick Bateman may not have had a medical degree, he’s certainly got a lot more in common with people like Dr. Whitly or Mr. Robot’s Tyrell Wellick. Patrick is incredibly driven and obsessed with status. He’s got the type of mind that will fixate and overthink on the stock or lettering of someone else’s business card. He’s also the type who would kill that same person while blasting Huey Luis and the News. While Patrick is generally very composed and contained, as the film progresses, audiences begin to see the tightly-wound killer begin to come more and more undone.
4 Norman Bates: The Adventurer – ISFP
Like many of his creepy colleagues, Norman Bates, of Psycho and Bates Motel has a lot going on in his mind. And that was before he absorbed a distorted version of his own mother into his psyche. While killers like Hannibal and Dexter spend their time planning and plotting, killers like Norman and Joe tend to strike when the killing iron is hot. While Norman is good at covering up the actions of his “mother,” there’s certainly no planning or forethought when it comes to who his next victim may be.
3 Jigsaw: The Advocate – INFJ
Jigsaw may have convinced himself (and others) that he is doing God’s work by strapping people into elaborate traps with little to no hope of escape, the police — at least most of them — aren’t convinced. Jigsaw’s logic for spending all of his time developing the world’s most awful Rube Goldberg machines is because he believes he is elevating the consciousnesses of all those that survive. He has deluded himself into believing that he is liberating the survivors from a life lived without appreciation. While typically not the case, however, some that have suffered the trauma of his traps might just agree with him.
2 Errol Childress (The Yellow King): The Doer – ESTP
The Yellow King of Carcosa. Errol Childress. A man who outsmarted authorities and evaded capture so long that the detectives working his case almost forgot about him. Well, at least one of them did. By the time True Detective‘s Rust and Cohle finally catch up to him, Childress has been responsible for countless murders, rapes, disappearances, and torture just to top it off. Childress was highly intelligent, likely self-educated, and someone who was able and willing to control a large group of people with the use of his family name and a little story-telling.
1 Villanelle: The Entrepreneur – ESTP
Villanelle, of Killing Eve fame, is by far one of the most interesting and complicated killers to have hit television screens in a long time. She is unafraid, unencumbered, and a master when it comes to her career at stacking bodies so high you could see them from space. She is incredibly capable and intuitive. Using her surroundings and utilizing the weaknesses of her targets comes second-nature to Villanelle. While her handlers may be left wanting when it comes to her reading of dossiers or planning out an attack, what they don’t seem to understand is that Villanelle is a drum circle at Venice Beach — she works best when she goes off-script.